Residential Security Services
Residential security guard services are often the most visible representation of the community. It is critical to have the right security professionals interacting with your residents, family, friends, and the public.
Neighborhood HOA Security Services
Neighborhood security services use randomized patrol routes to increase crime deterrence and identify issues. Collaborating directly with resident’s security responds to calls for concern or assistance. This will reduce theft, vandalism, and help foster a safe community.
Randomized Patrols
Unlike predictable home security equipment, security guards can alter their routes and routines to make it more difficult for criminals to predict where they will be at any given time. This unpredictability increases the deterring effect of security and it creates a level of uncertainty for individuals looking to commit an offense.
Private neighborhood security patrolling, acts as a deterrent by maintaining a highly visible presence throughout your private community. During patrols, Security monitors the community’s perimeter, amenities, common areas and places of public access. The presence of security motivates perpetrators to avoid your community.
Identifying Issues
Acting as part of the community, security personnel will help identify vulnerabilities, easy targets for criminal activity, and promptly notify residents and community managers of such issues. If requested, the HOA security patrol personnel will notify residents of open garage doors, water leaks, and assist in monitoring their property while they are on vacation.
Calls for Assistance
Security personnel will respond to calls requesting assistance from the residents for suspicious vehicles and people within your community. Security personnel will also interact with the local police and fire department to assist in efficient response for your residents.

Gated Community Security
The residential guard house provides access control that keeps your community private, safe, and secure. It is the face of the community and the personnel with whom the public interact with first. Residential security personnel staffing these key entry points needs to be customer service driven, while enforcing community policies and guidelines.
Gate Access Control
Knowing who has access to your community is important! Our well-trained security professionals will become an asset by interacting with residents and visitors to ensure everyone is authorized to be in the community. Interacting with landscape, maintenance, and other home related service company employees, residential security guards provide helpful assistance with directions and dissemination of community regulations and information.
Key Control
Many residential gated communities will allow security to issue keys for maid services and real estate agents. If desired, residential security professionals can collect personal identification and vehicle information of visitors to the community.
Being Part of the Community
Gated community security services provide assistance that is uniquely tailored to help the residents within your community. Many times, residential security services will assist residents with mail and package sorting, which can be picked up at the guard house.
Community Patrols
In some guard gated communities, security will provide extra patrols away from the main access gates to check streets, houses, cluster mailboxes and general neighborhood security. This may also include home monitoring during temporary vacations or other times a residence may be vacant. In addition, HOA security services may also assist with alarm monitoring for burglary and fire systems.
Customer Service
Residential security guard services are often the most visible representation of the community. Residential security professionals interact with residents, family, friends, vendors, and the public. Having the right security personnel in place is critical for safety, public relations and will create the public perception of your community.
Apartments & Condominium Associations
Apartments and condominiums are vibrant communities with resident activity happening 24/7. Parking lots and unsecured gates are attractive targets for unwanted and criminal activities. Residential security services will be an asset to management after hours, responding to noise complaints, and securing the property.
Assist Management
There are still things that need to happen after the office closes and community policies still need to be enforced. During patrols of the property, security can check common areas for policy violations and secure pools and amenities after the office closes.
Noise Complaints
“Noise” can range from people walking or talking too loudly, to ear-splitting music. Residents want their concerns addressed NOW! Security can respond to after hour complaints, investigate the situation, and take steps to resolve the situation. Each encounter will be documented in the nightly report.
Parking Lots
Parking lots concentrate vehicles into one central location. Perpetrators can quickly check several vehicles for easy or valuable targets. Apartment and Condominium security patrols are highly visible and deter criminal activity from happening.
Perimeter Gates
Vehicle and pedestrian gates are key access points to the community and help ensure only authorized individuals are on-site. It is not uncommon to find pedestrian gates propped open and vehicle gates stuck open, needing to be reset. Unsecured gates provide offenders an opportunity to explore the community. Security can inspect and secure the vital gateways to the community.

Each community has uniquely different security needs. How much dedicated time is needed? Do you need armed or unarmed security personnel? How should security be dressed? Community Action Security will take time to develop a custom security and become part of the community. This has allowed us to partner with numerous communities for over 20 years straight.
Dedicated On-Site (Static)
Investing in a residential security services program that has security professionals dedicated full time to your private neighborhood and amenities, is the perfect way to protect your community. These individuals will become intimately familiar with the community and deter unwanted activity.
Randomized Periodic Security Patrol
Some communities may not have a need for a totally dedicated on-site security service. In these cases, we recommend participating in a randomized periodic patrol. Security patrol services operate within a given geographic area in which they can efficiently and effectively provide services to multiple communities.
Including Vehicles
Including a vehicle is a great way to increase the visibility of on-site security! Vehicles help security to quickly and efficiently secure more area and provide expedited response times. While patrolling and even while parked, security vehicles act as a billboard announcing the presence of Security and are a great deterrent to unwanted activity.
Armed & Unarmed Options
The functions needed to keep people and physical assets protected can be accomplished using unarmed security professionals. However, some high-risk situations may warrant the need for armed security. Each situation is unique and needs to be considered individually.
Uniformed & Plainclothes Options
Having a well-trained security personnel in the right uniform is a small detail that has a huge impact. We offer both uniformed and plainclothes options. Our state approved uniform is easily identifiable and acts as a deterrent for crime. Sometimes you may want security in plainclothes, so they blend in and do not draw attention to security.