It’s incredibly easy to get stressed while finding a security company for your property. This feeling is magnified during budget season, when managers have to organize dozens of vendor proposals vying for a contract. Mid-size property management companies are especially vulnerable to this situation.
All of the information a property manager receives can add up to major stress and problems within the workplace. On top of this, the property manager may choose the wrong security company for the job – and we all know how stressful it can be to have an inept security company under contract. We want you to avoid these situations and choose a company that works best for you.
Here’s the 3 most common mistakes we see and how to avoid them.
1. Choosing the Wrong Service Type
Many security companies offer security services that fulfill specific needs. For example, Community Action Security offers vehicle patrol, on-foot guard services, parking enforcement, and more. Each of these services Each property needs a custom examination in order to determine service is right for the location. For many property managers, security type is not as important as the final cost for service. This can lead to a major gap between expected performance and actual performance. The property manager must make sure that she is choosing the correct type of service, because the wrong service type may not help at all – instead, it’s wasted money down the drain.
A security company should be willing to provide you with a free consultation to determine what type of security is needed at your property. This type of consultation gives us the chance to review your location and use proven expertise to recommend efficient solutions. But be careful – many companies will recommend a cheaper service so they can score your account, which leads us to the next mistake…
2. Choosing the Lowest Bid
Choosing the lowest bid is almost never the best option. Let’s say that again – Choosing the lowest bid is almost never the best option. Why is this? Simply, the lowest-bid-company will come with a whole list of issues that aren’t worth your money or time.
For example, companies who bid the lowest tend to pay their guards the lowest. You may be saving a few cents an hour, but you’re also sacrificing an immensely important attribute: reliability. Guards who are paid less are less likely to show up at your property and much less likely to provide exceptional service. We’ve seen this happen over and over again in our industry and many property managers turn to us for help.
Companies who bid low also fail in providing customer service after the account has been landed. Most of the resources available to these shaky security companies are focused on securing accounts, and no resources are left to handle post-contract customer services. This important point leads to our last mistake…
3. Forgetting About Customer Service
Forgetting to pick a company that focuses on customer service is a detrimental mistake. It will leave a property manager stuck between a rock and a hard place, with nowhere to go. The security company is reeling in tons of money without any customer services or commitment to excellence.
We’ve met many managers who have been outraged at the type of service they receive after signing the contract and how it differs from what they were promised.
At Community Action, we believe we can help you avoid these mistakes and choose the best security option available. We know how to examine your property a provide a free consultation and quote so you can make the best decision. We provide affordable security at a great value – but you can trust that we aren’t skimping out on important things like paying our guys well or focusing on customer service. In fact, our vision keeps us accountable in these areas. We invite you to try us out and see why we’re the #1 security services company in Arizona.